Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How can I change the size of an Mp3 so I can set it as a ring tone on my Samsung Eternity?

I have a memory card and lots of music on my Eternity, but, the %26quot;Set As%26quot; button (to set as ring tone or call tone) is grayed out. I am pretty sure it is because the file is too big. The files are %26quot;2M%26quot; and the phone can only hold %26quot;300K%26quot; as ring tones. How do I make the files smaller so I can set the songs as ring tones?

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!How can I change the size of an Mp3 so I can set it as a ring tone on my Samsung Eternity?

go to that site and you can upload and mp3 file

and crop it down to whatever size you want

and then use it as a ringtone, its a free site

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