Thursday, June 2, 2011

How do I change the size of an embedded .wmv file on a web page?

When I put in my code:

%26lt;div style=%26quot;position: absolute; width: 640px; height: 550px; z-index: 9; left: 304px; top: -1px%26quot; id=%26quot;layer18%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;object classid=%26quot;clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-4?width=%26quot;447%26quot; height=%26quot;337%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;param name=%26quot;MOVIE%26quot; value=%26quot;video.wmv%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;param name=%26quot;QUALITY%26quot; value=%26quot;HIGH%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;embed src=%26quot;video.wmv%26quot;




id='mediaPlayer' name='mediaPlayer'


width=%26quot;447%26quot; height=%26quot;337%26quot;%26gt;


It plays the video, but only the top-left quarter of it appears. In other words, it doesn't shrink it down to fit my viewer window. The window appears over just a quarter of the video which appears to be playing full screen... Can anyone help me to just make my video play in the size window I choose (and ALL of the video, not just a quarter?

Is it a problem with my code? Or a problem with the program used to create video?How do I change the size of an embedded .wmv file on a web page?
Try taking out the position:absolute in your div style. Are you using an HTML IDE? Or are you using notepad?

You didn't add in your style sheet, you are calling a classid, but you didn't include that in your code either.

In your embed statement, you have ' sometimes instead of %26quot;. Make sure that all your %26quot;s are %26quot; NOT '.

Good luck. Hope I helped.

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